New Brand Teddys Treats join our pet boutique!

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New Brand Teddys Treats join our pet boutique!

Mindful March - I'm on a lead because... - Ollie's Petcare - Ireland

Mindful March – I’m on a lead because…. with Dog Furiendly!

We just came across this post on Instagram yesterday from Dog Furiendly. It struck a chord and was highlighting the importance of understanding why some dogs are on leads while ...

e love finding new treats to share with our customers – especially new treat brands that are really natural & simple. Teddy’s Treat’s are just that! Made from simple delicious ingredients such as sweet potato, cranberries, vegetables and the ever popular peanuts! Our dachshunds favourites are the sweet potato cubes & the peanut butter brushes – but I’m sure your doggo will enjoy them all!

They come in 6 varieties at the moment, 5 of which we have in stock over on Ollie’s Pet Boutique. Take a sniff around the range and let us know your thoughts & your dogs favorite!

Here’s a little more info about Teddy, the pooch behind the name & of course his hoomans:


“Teddy’s Treats was started after Teddy’s mommy was unhappy with Teddy’s kibble-based diet. After discussing with her vet, she learned that Teddy had too much protein in his diet and that his diet was not as balanced as the kibble brand promised. Due to their busy schedule and small fridge, it was difficult to incorporate cooked food into Teddy’s diet, so he had to eat kibble instead. To help make his diet more balanced, his mommy was trying to find vegetable-based treats which would be both nutritious and fun for Teddy, however she was unsuccessful. As a result, Teddy’s Treats was born.”


You can shop all of Teddys Treats on our boutique where you will find 5 flavours – while stocks last!. =)

Regards & Woofs,


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